DiscoverCall Her DaddyChris Olsen: My Revenge Porn Experience [VIDEO]
Chris Olsen: My Revenge Porn Experience [VIDEO]

Chris Olsen: My Revenge Porn Experience [VIDEO]

Update: 2024-09-11


This podcast episode features a candid conversation between Alex Cooper and Chris Olsen, a popular TikTok creator. Chris opens up about his journey, sharing his experiences with a public breakup, leaked photos, and the emotional toll it took on his mental health. He delves into his childhood, discussing his upbringing, coming out, and the challenges he faced with his parents' addiction. Chris also shares his struggles with alcohol and drug addiction, his journey to rehab, and the importance of seeking help. The conversation highlights the impact of non-consensual photo sharing, the importance of empathy and respect for creators online, and the power dynamics that can make it difficult to say no. Chris emphasizes the importance of vulnerability and creating safe spaces on social media, encouraging listeners to consider the human beings behind the screens and to be mindful of their words and actions.


Chris Olsen's Journey: From TikTok to Vulnerability

Chris Olsen, a TikTok creator, shares his experiences with a public breakup, leaked photos, and the emotional toll it took on his mental health. He discusses his childhood, coming out, and the challenges he faced with his parents' addiction.

The Leaked Photos and Their Impact

Chris Olsen discusses the leaked photos and videos, sharing his struggles with crying, feeling violated, and the impact on his mental health. He discusses his coping mechanisms and the importance of removing himself from the internet.

Childhood, Coming Out, and Family Dynamics

Chris Olsen reflects on his childhood in Maryland, describing his happy upbringing with his parents and sister. He shares his experience coming out in seventh grade, the challenges he faced at an all-boys school, and his mother's struggles with alcoholism.

Addiction, Intervention, and Recovery

Chris Olsen shares his struggles with alcohol and drug addiction, describing his journey to rehab and the intervention that led him to seek help. He discusses the emotional impact of the intervention and the challenges of staying sober.

The Non-Consensual Experience and Its Aftermath

Chris Olsen explains how the leaked photos came to be, detailing a non-consensual experience with a photographer. He discusses the impact of the photos being shared online and the emotional toll it took on him.

Empathy, Respect, and Online Harassment

Chris Olsen emphasizes the importance of empathy and respect for creators online, highlighting the impact of negative comments and bullying. He shares his own experiences with online harassment and the need for people to recognize the human beings behind the screens.

Power Dynamics and Saying No

Chris Olsen discusses the power dynamic in the photo shoot and the difficulty of saying no in such situations. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing abusive power dynamics and encourages listeners to consider the complexities of saying no.

Self-Discovery, Healing, and Finding Your Voice

The conversation delves into the speaker's personal journey of self-discovery and healing. They discuss how they learned to be \"small\" to feel safe, but through social media, they found their voice and learned to be \"big.\" The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing up for oneself and creating boundaries.

Empathy and Understanding on Social Media

The conversation shifts to the importance of empathy and understanding on social media. The speaker encourages viewers to consider the potential struggles of others before making judgmental comments. They highlight the prevalence of mental health issues and trauma among social media personalities.

Connection, Vulnerability, and Creating Safe Spaces

The speaker emphasizes the importance of connection and vulnerability in social media. They discuss how their desire to make people happy and connect with them led them to this career path. The conversation highlights the importance of sharing personal experiences and being vulnerable to build genuine connections.


Non-Consensual Sharing

The act of sharing someone's personal photos or videos without their explicit consent, often leading to emotional distress and violation of privacy.

Emotional Labor

The unpaid work of managing emotions, often in interpersonal relationships, where one person takes on the responsibility of soothing or comforting another.


The process of children being treated as adults, often due to circumstances like parental addiction or abuse, leading to premature responsibility and emotional burden.

Pass-Down Trauma

The transmission of trauma from one generation to the next, often through family dynamics and patterns of behavior, impacting mental health and relationships.


A structured process where family and friends confront an individual about their addiction or problematic behavior, aiming to encourage them to seek help and support.


Limits and expectations that individuals set in relationships to protect their emotional and physical well-being, promoting healthy communication and respect.


The process of gaining a better understanding of oneself, including one's values, beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. It often involves introspection, exploration, and personal growth.


The state of being open and exposed to potential hurt or criticism. It involves sharing personal experiences, emotions, and weaknesses, which can build trust and connection.

Social Media Empathy

The ability to understand and share the feelings of others on social media platforms. It involves considering the potential struggles and experiences of individuals before making judgments or comments.

Creating Safe Spaces

The act of establishing environments where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves, sharing their experiences, and being vulnerable without fear of judgment or criticism.


  • How did Chris Olsen's experience with leaked photos and videos impact his mental health?

    Chris Olsen experienced significant emotional distress, including crying, feeling violated, and a sense of helplessness. He felt the need to remove himself from the internet to protect his mental well-being.

  • What were some of the challenges Chris Olsen faced coming out in seventh grade?

    Chris Olsen faced challenges at an all-boys school, including bullying and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. He also had to navigate his mother's struggles with alcoholism and the difficulty of communicating his feelings to his parents.

  • How did Chris Olsen's experience with his parents' addiction and abuse contribute to his own struggles with addiction?

    Chris Olsen's experience with his parents' addiction and abuse led to him being adultified at a young age, where he felt responsible for managing their emotions and taking care of himself. This contributed to his own struggles with alcohol and drug addiction as a coping mechanism.

  • What is the importance of empathy and respect for creators online?

    Chris Olsen emphasizes the importance of recognizing the human beings behind the screens and treating them with empathy and respect. He highlights the impact of negative comments and bullying on creators' mental health and well-being.

  • How can we better understand and address the complexities of saying no in situations of power imbalance?

    Chris Olsen's experience highlights the difficulty of saying no in situations where there is a power dynamic at play. It's important to recognize the fear and mental barriers that can prevent individuals from asserting their boundaries, and to offer support and understanding.

  • How did the speaker learn to be \"big\" and stand up for themselves?

    The speaker found their voice and learned to be \"big\" through social media, where they were able to connect with others and share their experiences. This helped them to overcome their fear of being judged and to stand up for themselves.

  • Why is it important to be empathetic on social media?

    Many social media personalities are dealing with mental health issues and trauma, and it's important to remember that before making judgments or comments. Empathy can help us to understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

  • How can we create safe spaces for vulnerability on social media?

    By sharing our own vulnerabilities and creating a space where others feel comfortable doing the same, we can build trust and connection. It's important to be supportive and understanding, and to avoid judgment or criticism.

Show Notes

Join Alex in the studio for a powerful conversation with Chris Olsen. Chris finally breaks his silence and opens up about the revenge porn of him circulating online. He begs people to stop sharing it and shines a light on the harsh reality of Internet bullying. Chris also unpacks his childhood trauma, his complicated relationship with his parents, and his sobriety journey.

This episode contains adult subject matter, including discussions of substance misuse and self-injury. Please keep this in mind when deciding if, how and when you’ll listen. For resources on these topics, visit

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Chris Olsen: My Revenge Porn Experience [VIDEO]

Chris Olsen: My Revenge Porn Experience [VIDEO]

Alex Cooper